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5 Underrated Horror Movies You Should Watch Tonight



Everyone has a favorite go to horror movie. Whether it be A Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween or Friday the 13th, these are the modern classics and legends that can fulfill any horror fans libito. While indeed, these are some favorites myself; What about some of the more unappreciated films of the industry? For some strange reason the horror game has more underrated and undervalued films than pretty much any other genre. Roughly about 75% of horror films released go straight to DVD; Studios fearing they could never recoup any profits from a theatrical release. Which hey, for those of us on a budget and don’t want to bend over without lube for a movie ticket, is pretty ideal. So I’m actually not complaining about that.

Sometimes I think us as horror fans, expect a certain type of film. Grant it, the fanbase are very diverse on what we consider masterpiece and full on horseshit. So I have taken that into consideration while making this list. With some of the titles mentioned above, some sequels have gained an absolute bonfire and pitchfork hatred. Why? Was it because the movie you expected to see went in a totally different direction? ( Which sometimes isn’t a bad thing) Or maybe the reviews you may have heard are so bad, they have restricted your eyes from ever seeing the film. The case may be you haven’t seen them at all! Whatever the reason is, here is my two cents on a few horror movies that are criminally underrated, and you should consider giving it a chance.


1. The Exorcist 3


William Peter Blatty’s “The Exorcist 3”, hit theaters in the summer of 1990 with poor reception. Possibly due to the abomination of “The Heretic” that was released 13 years earlier. Based on the novel Legion written by Blatty, (which I HIGHLY recommend) the story follows suit of Kinderman and his demons 15 years later after the original exorcism with Regan. The Lieutenant is investigating a baffling series of murders that seem to mimic a long dead serial killer named The Gemini Killer. Without giving away spoilers for those that haven’t seen it, another familiar face comes into play in an insane twist of events that psychologically puts you at certain unease.

I have no idea in hell why this film is so underrated. The cinematography is outstanding. It truly is like watching art on screen. The acting by Brad Dourif alone, deserves a fucken academy award. I stand by the statement that the performance held by Dourif in that film is the highlight of his career. I love Chucky just as much as the next gal, but this deliverance of true maliciousness and pure uneasiness that he sets across on the screen, is just nothing short of brilliant. Might I also add, to any Walking Dead fans- A younger Scott Wilson delivers quite the performance as a chain smoking neurotic doctor in the movie. If you haven’t seen it, I urge you to give it a try today. Personally, I think this is the most underrated film of the bunch.

[youtube id=”OUdcl5vwO7A” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]

Buy here: Exorcist 3



2.Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch


A few months back, fellow Ihorror contributor, Eric Endres, wrote up a lil’ diddy entitled Revisiting Halloween 3: Why It Actually Doesn’t Suck! I agreed on so many levels with the article and decided to add it this list. This movie gets so much shit for the pure reason Michael Myers isn’t in it. (With the exception of cameos of the original Halloween movie playing in the movie) Maybe.. Just maybe, if this movie was called purely Season Of The Witch, without the attached Halloween logo, this movie could’ve been a success.

The original idea was that Myers was dead. He was blown to shit in the hospital. Gone. Dead as a doornail. So why continue his story? The filmmakers were to release a different set of sequels in the upcoming years with different stories. Much like 2007’s Trick Or Treat, but one full length feature at a time. That obviously didn’t go over too well with the fans when Season Of The Witch flopped. They made their voices heard. They demanded Myers. And the studios caved in 1988 with Halloween 4. Mind you I actually love The Return Of Michael Myers. I think the fourth sequel was better than all of them, excluding part two. But I can’t help but wonder what could have been, had people been more open minded to this idea. I really think the story is great. It’s original. The whole premise is of a sadistic master of Halloween and his droids attempting to wipe out all the children with masks on Halloween night. And Tom Atkins attempts to stop it all. I mean come on. Tom Atkins. The guy is a horror legend of the eighties. You have to respect that. I for one also respect what they tried to do. Season Of The Witch is a breath of fresh air. I appreciate it for what it is. If you have yet to see it based on what everyone has told you, I recommend ignoring them and judge for yourself. Funny enough, It’s only been in recent years that fans have actually come to like this movie after once bashing it. Could it be that maybe they actually changed their tune after a viewing? Who knows. You make the call.

[youtube id=”A-n4T4gQF9A” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]

Buy here: Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch



3. Dolls



Dolls is a 1987 Italian- American film by Stuart Gordon of Re-Animator and produced by Charles Band of the Puppet Master movies. Released straight to DVD, critics gave the film some pretty negative reviews. The movie itself has a small but loyal cult following being as how it was pretty much the first killer doll movie that looks and feels solid. For a low budget film of the eighties, the special effects are pretty damn good. Takes me back to the ol’ days of stop motion action rather than CGI. And it’s done quite well. The plot of a neglectful father, a wicked stepmother and a little girl named Judy stranded in a rainstorm, and come upon a large manor inhabited by an elderly couple and a few hundred little nightmare dolls seems cheesy enough; But the story turns out to be pretty great with a damn good lesson of always remembering to be a kid at heart sometimes… or else.

To appreciate what a creative film Dolls truly is, you have to keep in mind that the entire project started with a title and a poster courtesy of schlock-master Charles Band and everything else was rushed into place to meet a tight deadline. And the fact that it was, makes me love it even more for what it is. A gruesome fairy tale intertwined with that eighties horror flare. I highly recommend for any killer doll or eighties horror fan. You won’t be disappointed.

[youtube id=”qJGUFVTK8QQ” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]

Buy here: Dolls



4. Clownhouse



Clownhouse is a 1989 straight to video release by Victor Salva of Jeepers Creepers fame. The story of an adolescent boy named Casey and his uncontrollable fear of clowns. He and his two older brothers, one being Sam Rockwell, are left alone for the night. That same night three homicidal maniacs escape the looney bin, sneak into a nearby circus, kill a few clowns and steal their identity. Making them into some real painted nightmares for Casey and his brothers when they stumble upon them home alone.

The main reason why this film goes unnoticed directly involves the controversy behind the scenes. Victor Salva was charged with sexual abuse of the movies lead actor, Nathan Forrest Winters (Casey) who at the time was only 12 or 13. Salva was found guilty and served prison time. Due to this horrible incident during its production, Clownhouse became a sleeper hit, and soon fell into obscurity. It was released on VHS, then in DVD for a brief time in 2004, but is as of now out of print. While i certainly DO NOT condone the actions of a twisted fuck, and if you can get past what I just told you,  Clownhouse really is a bit of a masterpiece in it’s own right. It is an original idea for it’s time and if you have a fear of clowns, this film will definitely get to you. While the movie has a few clumsy faults, such as a few of the fight scenes, overall it gives you the skivvies. It makes you uncomfortable. Then again it is pedophile Victor Salva. So that really isn’t far fetched. But ok, again, that aside, I must give credit because it genuinely is a GOOD horror flick. If you’re the type thats into a good killer clown film, this one is right up your nightmare alley. And you can watch it right here!

[youtube id=”7tv6VoOYok4″ align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]



5. Pumpkinhead



Pumpkinhead is the 1988 directorial debut of special effects artist Stan Winston. Starring Lance Henriksen, the film is based on the plot of a man named Ed Harley- whose son is killed in the beginning of the movie by a reckless teen and his dirt bike. Devasted by the loss, Harley seeks out revenge in a witch, but she warns him that vengeance comes with a terrible price. On her orders, Harley goes to an old graveyard in the mountains, digs up a disfigured corpse, and brings it back to the witch’s home. The witch uses blood from father and son to resurrect the corpse, which rises as a gigantic, spindly demonic monster named Pumpkinhead. Henrikson’s performance is believable as he seems so anguished in the movie. The gore is on the lower side, but the fantastic make up of the monster and the unique story surrounding him make for a good movie. Pumpkinhead is an underrated masterpiece from Stan Winston; One of the best special effects makeup artists. He has created some of the most iconic monsters we’ve ever seen: The Xenomorphs, The Terminator, The T-rex in Jurassic Park and of course Pumpkinhead just to name a few. Give it a watch if you haven’t seen it!

[youtube id=”HqJ8Teiv6YY” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no”]

Buy here: Pumpkinhead


At the risk of sounding like an old geezer, they just don’t make them like these anymore.

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The Pope’s Exorcist Officially Announces New Sequel



The Pope’s Exorcist is one of those films that’s just fun to watch. It isn’t the most terrifying film around, but there’s something about Russel Crow (Gladiator) playing a wise cracking Catholic priest that just feels right.

Screen Gems seems to agree with this assessment, as they have just officially announced that The Pope’s Exorcist sequel is in the works. It makes sense that Screen Gems would want to keep this franchise going, considering the first film scared up almost $80 million with a budget of only $18 million.

The Pope's Exorcist
The Pope’s Exorcist

According to Crow, there may even be a The Pope’s Exorcist trilogy in the works. However, recent changes with the studio may have put the third film on hold. In a sit-down with The Six O’Clock Show, Crow gave the following statement about the project.

“Well that’s in discussion at the moment. The producers originally got the kick off from the studio not just for one sequel but for two. But there’s been a change of studio heads at the moment, so that’s going around in a few circles. But very definitely, man. We set that character up that you could take him out and put him into a lot of different circumstances.”

Crow has also stated that film’s source material involves twelve separate books. This would allow the studio to take the story in all kinds of directions. With that much source material, The Pope’s Exorcist could even rival The Conjuring Universe.

Only the future will tell what becomes of The Pope’s Exorcist. But as always, more horror is always a good thing.

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New ‘Faces of Death’ Remake Will Be Rated R For “Strong Bloody Violence and Gore”



In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, the Faces of Death reboot has been given an R rating from the MPA. Why has the film been given this rating? For strong bloody violence, gore, sexual content, nudity, language, and drug use, of course.

What else would you expect from a Faces of Death reboot? It would honestly be alarming if the film received anything less than an R rating.

Faces of death
Faces of Death

For those unaware, the original Faces of Death film released in 1978 and promised viewers video evidence of real deaths. Of course, this was just a marketing gimmick. Promoting a real snuff film would be a terrible idea.

But the gimmick worked, and franchise lived on in infamy. The Faces of Death reboot is hoping to gain the same amount of viral sensation as its predecessor. Isa Mazzei (Cam) and Daniel Goldhaber (How to Blow Up a Pipeline) will spearhead this new addition.

The hope is that this reboot will do well enough to recreate the infamous franchise for a new audience. While we don’t know much about the film at this point, but a joint statement from Mazzei and Goldhaber gives us the following info on the plot.

“Faces of Death was one of the first viral video tapes, and we are so lucky to be able to use it as a jumping off point for this exploration of cycles of violence and the way they perpetuate themselves online.”

“The new plot revolves around a female moderator of a YouTube-like website, whose job is to weed out offensive and violent content and who herself is recovering from a serious trauma, that stumbles across a group that is recreating the murders from the original film. But in the story primed for the digital age and age of online misinformation, the question faced is are the murders real or fake?”

The reboot will have some bloody shoes to fill. But from the looks of it, this iconic franchise is in good hands. Unfortunately, the film does not have a release date at this time.

That’s all the information we have at this time. Make sure to check back here for more news and updates.

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Panic Fest 2024 Review: ‘The Ceremony Is About To Begin’



People will look for answers and belonging in the darkest places and the darkest people. The Osiris Collective is a commune predicated upon ancient Egyptian theology and was run by the mysterious Father Osiris. The group boasted dozens of members, each forgoing their old lives for one held in the Egyptian themed land owned by Osiris in Northern California. But the good times take a turn for the worst when in 2018, an upstart member of the collective named Anubis (Chad Westbrook Hinds) reports Osiris disappearing while mountain climbing and declaring himself the new leader. A schism ensued with many members leaving the cult under Anubis’ unhinged leadership. A documentary is being made by a young man named Keith (John Laird) whose fixation with The Osiris Collective stems from his girlfriend Maddy leaving him for the group several years ago. When Keith gets invited to document the commune by Anubis himself, he decides to investigate, only to get wrapped up in horrors he couldn’t even imagine…

The Ceremony Is About To Begin is the latest genre twisting horror film from Red Snow‘s Sean Nichols Lynch. This time tackling cultist horror along with a mockumentary style and the Egyptian mythology theme for the cherry on top. I was a big fan of Red Snow‘s subversiveness of the vampire romance sub-genre and was excited to see what this take would bring. While the movie has some interesting ideas and a decent tension between the meek Keith and the erratic Anubis, it just doesn’t exactly thread everything together in a succinct fashion.

The story begins with a true crime documentary style interviewing former members of The Osiris Collective and sets-up what led the cult to where it is now. This aspect of the storyline, especially Keith’s own personal interest in the cult, made it an interesting plotline. But aside from some clips later on, it doesn’t play as much a factor. The focus is largely on the dynamic between Anubis and Keith, which is toxic to put it lightly. Interestingly, Chad Westbrook Hinds and John Lairds are both credited as writers on The Ceremony Is About To Begin and definitely feel like they’re putting their all into these characters. Anubis is the very definition of a cult leader. Charismatic, philosophical, whimsical, and threateningly dangerous at the drop of a hat.

Yet strangely, the commune is deserted of all cult members. Creating a ghost town that only amps up the danger as Keith documents Anubis’ alleged utopia. A lot of the back and forth between them drags at times as they struggle for control and Anubis keeps continuing to convince Keith to stick around despite the threatening situation. This does lead to a pretty fun and bloody finale that fully leans into mummy horror.

Overall, despite meandering and having a bit of a slow pace, The ceremony Is About To Begin is a fairly entertaining cult, found footage, and mummy horror hybrid. If you want mummies, it delivers on mummies!

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