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iHorror Interview: ‘Willy’s Wonderland’ Director Kevin Lewis



It’s only been a few weeks since WILLY’S WONDERLAND was unleashed on an unsuspecting public, but it has made a hell of an impact! I was fortunate enough to talk with the man behind the madness and monsters, Kevin Lewis. Discussing everything from his career, to the production of the movie, working with puppets and animal suited stunt actors and more below.

Jacob Davison: Can you into your background? What got you interested in filmmaking?

Kevin Lewis: I grew up in Denver, Colorado and I’ve loved movies since I was a little kid. I grew up in the 70’s, so of course Star Wars like every kid. And similar stuff like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Black Hole and I was always into sci-fi. Then the 80’s I see The Evil Dead and Raiders Of The Lost Ark was the first movie I ever saw where I really noticed what a director did. Star Wars and other movie Is just thought were handed down by God (Laughter). But Raiders, I saw shots, I saw cutting, I saw pacing. With Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 I could really see what a director could do with what Sam Raimi did. Of course, there was the VHS boom and A Nightmare On Elm street and everything so at that point I was hooked. I started making movies, I had a VHS camera. I was making movies in bothVHS and Super 8. Just went along through high school, kept at it and I made another VHS movie after school called The Real World and we sold tickets and had a big party. I did it with friends and even turned that movie into a channel in Denver that was doing a scholarship. So I turned it in and I got the scholarship three years in a row! Then I went to USC Film school and then did my first feature, The Method. We shot it with Patrick Flannery and Robert Forster and Natasha Grayson. That was at Slamdance. So, that was kind of the evolution, y’know.

JD: I see! And what led you to being involved with Willy’s Wonderland?

KL: I made The Method and I made a couple other movies including one called Malibu Springbreak. It was a T&A movie with Crown Entertainment who did My Tutor and Galaxina. I wrote the script in three days and shot it in nine. It was crazy, we actually shot it on 35mm actually. I did it, it was a challenge, but it was fun. I met this actor named Jeremy Daniel Davis. It was his first acting job on Malibu Springbreak. On the last day, we were a little behind schedule but I promised him an improv and he had acting scene. The producers wanted me to cut him and move on but I said “No, I promised him and we are going to do it.” And we did.

Image via IMDB

Flashforward to years later and I’m working on another project and this producer is helping us who wanted to bring a friend onboard named Jeremy. And it was Jeremy Davis! He helped me on that and things got pretty far, but alas things don’t always happen. Especially in Hollywood. (Laughter) We kept in contact and down the road he brought me the Willy’s Wonderland script. What was cool was that Siren Sarah, Jessica Davis, she was in an acting class with G. O. Parsons the writer of Willy’s Wonderland. She loved the script, she brought it to Jeremy, he loved it and he thought of me. He thought of me because of Malibu and that I was a man of my word. It was really cool. Things that happened a decade or so before paid off. If I had never done Malibu Sprinbreak I wouldn’t have done Willy’s Wonderland. I credit Jeremy, he worked on this project tirelessly for days and nights for years and he’s the one who brought it to me.

JD: Yeah! You just never know what will happen with the butterfly effect.

KL: Right, you never know.

JD: When you got the script, what was it that appealed to you? Did you discuss it with the writer, G.O. Parsons?

KL: Yeah, the script was great. First of all, having a character who doesn’t speak was so interesting. And I thought how unique and original it was. I’m a big pop culture fan so I collect comics, action figures, that sort of stuff, and I grew up with Showbiz Pizza and had a lot of birthday parties there. I just identified with it. I saw ‘eighties’, I saw vintage in it, I saw retro in it, eighties horror. I did talk to G.O. and we hit it off really well. We all developed the script together. He would send me pictures of animatronics and things he was thinking about. Demented Easter Bunnies from Hell, that sort of thing. It was a good partnership.

JD: Sounds like it! Then how did Nicolas Cage become involved as both a producer and an actor?

KL: We got a casting director and made an offer. Nic was the only one we wanted. I just felt like he was going to get this. A lot of actors would shy away from a part where their character doesn’t speak. I knew he would be up for the challenge. We got it to his manager, Mike Nylon and he liked it a lot and passed it to Nic, Nic liked it. He said “They don’t makes scripts like this anymore.” He was onboard. Because of his passion about the movie, that’s why they came on as producers. They really wanted to see it happen and get made.

"Willy's Wonderland" 2021

“Willy’s Wonderland” 2021

JD: Sounds like he was really into it. What was it like directing him like that?

KL: It was fantastic. There’s three things about Nic Cage. He’s a world class actor, we all know that and an award winning actor. He’s basically a genre in himself, in his own right. Number two, I would say an amazing partner to make a film with. Stood by us and worked tirelessly like everyone else. Number three, I would just say what a decent man he is. He’s a kind soul, he really is. We didn’t have one creative disagreement, we saw eye to eye on this movie. He worked so hard, he never was sitting in his trailer or whatever. He was there. He was amazing.

JD: It shows on the movie.

KL: Oh yeah. The cast and crew had a smile on their faces from they started to when they left. I do feel that shows on the movie.

JD: Speaking of, how did Emily Tosta become involved with the movie and what was it like working with her?

KL: Emily was great. And it was actually Mike Nylon, Nic’s manager who referred us to Emily. We hd a meeting with her, it went fantastic. She got we we wanted to do. It was a delight to work with her.

JD: Let’s talk about the other stars of the movie, the animatronics and company. What went into the initial concepts then making them a reality?

KL: Ken Hall was the one who created them and there was seven creature suits. We only had one for each. And then Ozzy’s a puppet, so eight creatures total. We talked about different things, but I knew we were going to have people in the suits and we decided to have stunt men and women playing them, and they were fantastic. They were in the suits and we had pulleys in there because when you look at animatronics like Chuck-E Cheese and stuff, it’s the eyes and the mouth. So we had pulleys for the eye and the mouths to give you that feel.

I wanted it to be very organic and feel real. These animatronics exist. Started in November and it was really weird because when you start preproduction on a movie that’s when you start the work. But he had to start way earlier than preproduction did, so that was November and we did preproduction in January. Then he delivered the creatures for the first week of shooting. First week of shooting we did as much work outside of Willy’s because we had to give him as much time needed. I tell you, when those creatures arrived on set in these big, huge crates, it was like Christmas! Everyone was just so excited to see them. Hats off to Ken Hall. Amazing job.

JD: Oh yeah, I was definitely impressed with that. On that note, what was it like choreographing the fights between Nic Cage and Willy and company?

KL: It was cool! I wanted to do something different so every fight would be insane. And Charlie Paris is my stunt coordinator and he is fantastic. So I worked with Charlie to make the fights feasible but also grounded and dirty. There were different ways I could have approached it, at one point I was thinking of doing a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thing especially at the end. But we have 20 days so that’s not going to happen. This movie was grind house, this movie was punk rock, it was a rave at 2 am. Those were the things I kept saying to myself.

Nic Cage in "Willy's Wonderland".

Nic Cage in “Willy’s Wonderland”.

That’s what we’re doing. So that’s why the fights were so down and dirty. But they were very different. My DP and I, Dave Newbert did a fantastic job. We developed a thing we called “Rage Cage” or “Cage Rage” where when Nic gets angry and starts going to town on the creatures we shoot it like 18 frames per second we’re shaking the camera. Then as we’re doing that we’re taking flashlights and shining them in the lens to get that cosmic lens flare look. We wanted to do something unique to show that off.

JD: I loved how it was so optical! And the movie got a lot of attention because of the use of practical fx. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately because they just put The Muppet Show on Disney Plus and everyone’s been talking about it. I feel that especially in the horror community there’s an appeal for that kind of practical fx, costuming, and animatronics. Why do you think that is?

KL: It’s kind of cool, because before I left, I asked a bunch of friends “What do you want to see in WILLY’S WONDERLAND? Give me five things you want to see.” They were like “Let Nic Cage be Nic Cage” but they would all say practical fx. I think it’s because there is so much CG now, we rely on it so much for everything. It’s amazing because, I saw the behind the scenes video of Mindhunter that Netflix David Fincher show. You see CG but it’s the CG you expect. Adding little street signs and stuff. And that’s cool CG but you wouldn’t know it, it looks so good.

But I think there comes a point where we rely on CG too much. I love the Marvel movies but they’re full blown green screen stuff. I think a lot of people are getting tired of it and they can see through it. Just because you can imagine ti doesn’t mean you should put it on. Like Jaws think about what Spielberg did and if it was a CG shark. That shark probably would have shown up within the first 15 minutes of the movie but it doesn’t. And why? Because of Bruce the mechanical shark. Poor Bruce. We’re an indie film, not a big budget film. I also just felt that the practical fx needed that vibe to feel authentic. And Chuck-E-Cheese or Showbiz Pizza they’re there. You can touch them. You can feel them. There is CG in the movie. It’s funny because some of it is wiping Nic’s glasses. Stuff you wouldn’t even think.

I mean, there’s stuff with like Artie’s tongue or Siren Sarah jumping around like that. So, there is CG in the movie. But  very limited amount. We wanted to keep it as real and as practical as possible. It’s funny, the scene with Knighty Knight when he stabs Aaron. I shot that and it was a trick of the lens. It was a campy with a drain snake that we did on that. What was funny about the Knighty Knight one was that we did stop and use a CG sword. And that took a lot of time, it took a couple of hours. And I had to think about Tim because we only had 20 days so I decided to keep it as practical as possible. I think it shows on it, the way of the look of the movie.

"Willy's Wonderland"

Ozzy The Ostrich
“Willy’s Wonderland”

And Ozzy, who I said was a puppet so we had puppeteers who were all dressed in green and erased them. What was interesting with that is when you do that you have to shoot plates, shoot your elements. You shoot Nic fighting Ozzy then you have Nic leave and Ozzy fighting then you take the puppeteers out then you shoot a plate with this empty and that takes time. When you’re on an indie budget and stuff like that, you’ve got to push. When we finished with Ozzy, the First AD was like “Man, I was so sick of that bird!” Because even pans of showing him you’d have to do a plate without Ozzy so it was extra steps. So, even if we had all the money in the world I still would have done practical. That’s what I felt Willy’s was. A throwback to the 80’s and that’s what they had. So I’m happy it worked out.

JD: And I really think it did. There’s been a wave of animatronic or mascot horror over the last several years with this, and Five Nights At Freddy’s and The Banana Splits horror comedy movie. Why do you think particularly recently that it’s been such a trend?

KL: It’s interesting you say that. When I met my DP Dave Newbert. We started talking about it and he said “You know what, Kevin. I think this is a genre unto itself. Go on google or whatever and type ‘dark animatronics’ ” And you start seeing all kinds of crazy stuff. So I drew on older movies like Magic and Dolls. The movies in the 80’s for this film. I do think there is a fascination with it. Look at IT, too with clowns. IT was an amazing book, then a TV Miniseries, then two amazing movies. I think it’s the fascination with the ambivalence of these creatures, these things that are supposed to be great with kids but there’s something sinister or dark about it. You know, a guy with white makeup. Same thing with the animatronics. When you’re a little kid and you’re looking up at this huge, furry monster.

It should be nice, like a muppet. But it’s funny, I was thinking about Kermit The Frog and you brought up The Muppets. I loved The Muppet Show growing up but you take Kermit and put him in a dimly lit hallway with a light above him or something and he takes on a whole different vibe… but it’s Kermit. I think it’s taking a kid’s trope and turning it on its head a bit. In terms of animatronic movies, there’s more of them. I’ve heard talk about a Five Nights At Freddy’s movie and they’ve got some amazing people on that with Jason Blum and Chris Columbus. I know that movie will probably be different than ours. But I think we all can co-exist. I think people watching Willy’s Wonderland will watch all of these or vise-versa. I don’t believe there needs to be only one. It’s like Star Trek and Star Wars, you can like both.

I really thought about what the interest was with these animatronics and the psychology behind it. In the pandemic, so many of these types of places are shut down right now. I guess Chuck-E-Cheese is going out of business which is sad. I have four kids. Two teenagers and two boys at 5 and 7. All of them have gone to Chuck-E-Cheese. I think it’s kind of sad because this new generation of kids Arne’t going to be able to identify with that. It’s going to be a vintage kind of thing. I was thinking about that too before I left, I was doing reconnaissance at Chuck-E-Cheese and brought my kids and even at that point you could tell it was changing to digital. They were doing stuff with phones and animated shorts. So I think the animatronics are kind of becoming passe. The next generation may not even understand what these things are. So it was cool to get this movie out there for people like you and me who grew up with this stuff.

JD: Oh yeah. Had plenty of birthday parties at Chuck-E-Cheese as a kid and even then they kind of creeped me out. With his big robot eyes!

KL: Totally! The eyes and the mouth, that’s the scary part. And I think it’s also when the audio doesn’t match but they’re playing their songs, it’s just weird. Off-putting and something isn’t right.

Kevin Lewis, Image via IMDB

JD: Very uncanny. Going off what you mentioned with the pandemic, I’d seen you wrote about your own severe experience with Covid. With the timing and close to the release of Willy’s Wonderland why did you feel the need to talk about it?

KL: That’s a great question. I was in the hospital and I was getting better at that point. Some friends told me I should talk about this when I felt right and when I was ready. Willy’s WonderlandS is such a fun movie and I didn’t want to detract from that. I didn’t want to have the spotlight on me and portray myself as some kind of poor victim director. I didn’t want that. But the more I talked to my friends and people I trusts hey encouraged me. I came home and seeing my wife and kids and seeing what I went through… I was close to a ventilator, pal. I was one step away. 

And the nurse told me they could count on both their hands on who gets out of ICU alive. I was one, thank God. I got home and I couldn’t sleep that night. The whole article just hit me. I just typed it and I sent it out and my publicist really liked it and told me it needed to go out to people. Within 10 minutes, Indiewire wanted to publish it. And I thought “Okay, if it’s going to be inspiring.” I checked with the producers of Willy’s Wonderland because I didn’t want to take away from the movie and the movie is so different. They were very supportive of the idea. I just said “Maybe it’s meant to be. If I can inspire even one person to put on a mask, stand six feet apart, just think that this is not a hoax and that it is real, just one person, then you know what? It’s worth it.” So, I put it out.

JD: I thought it was an amazing article.

KL: Thanks, buddy. We’re all The Janitor, man!

JD: I loved that, it was very inspiring. Two last questions. Do you have any projects lines up, or anything in the pipeline?

KL: Yeah. I’ve got a couple of cool scripts. I’ve got a kind of horror/action script I’m working on. A Halloween movie I’m working on. Genre movies fitting the same style of Willy’s Wonderland. I want to make fun movies for people. I want to put a smile on their face and enjoy. I think with everything that’s happening with Covid, the political landscape and everything, man we just need fun movies. I just want to keep making movies like that and I enjoy talking to people like yourself.

JD: Thank you! And last question, where can I get Willy’s Wonderland staff gear? Everyone wants a Willy’s Wonderland staff shirt?

KL: The shirt, I know they ran out of them but they ordered more. It’s out there, though and you can order it. The hat was a crew hat that was given to me but I think they’re going to have those. Hey, man if they get the Punch Pops or I know this was crazy but wouldn’t it be cool if we had Funko Pops of Willy and The Janitor and the funked up Janitor? How cool would that be?

JD: Funko Pops, action figures, the whole shebang.

KL: NECA action figures, whole birthday pack? Sweet! I love it.

Willy’s Wonderland is currently available on VOD and digital.

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Panic Fest 2024 Review: ‘Haunted Ulster Live’



Everything old is new again.

On Halloween 1998, the local news of Northern Ireland decide to do a special live report from an allegedly haunted house in Belfast. Hosted by local personality Gerry Burns (Mark Claney) and popular children’s presenter Michelle Kelly (Aimee Richardson) they intend to look at the supernatural forces disturbing the current family living there. With legends and folklore abound, is there an actual spirit curse in the building or something far more insidious at work?

Presented as a series of found footage from a long forgotten broadcast, Haunted Ulster Live follows similar formats and premises as Ghostwatch and The WNUF Halloween Special with a news crew investigating the supernatural for big ratings only to get in over their heads. And while the plot has certainly been done before, director Dominic O’Neill’s 90’s set tale of local access horror manages to stand out on its own ghastly feet. The dynamic between Gerry and Michelle is most prominent, with him being an experienced broadcaster who thinks this production is beneath him and Michelle being fresh blood who is considerably annoyed at being presented as costumed eye candy. This builds as the events within and around the domicile becomes too much to ignore as anything less than the real deal.

The cast of characters is rounded out by the McKillen family who have been dealing with the haunting for some time and how it’s had an effect on them. Experts are brought in to help explain the situation including the paranormal investigator Robert (Dave Fleming) and the psychic Sarah (Antoinette Morelli) who bring their own perspectives and angles to the haunting. A long and colorful history is established about the house, with Robert discussing how it used to be the site of an ancient ceremonial stone, the center of leylines, and how it was possibly possessed by the ghost of a former owner named Mr. Newell. And local legends abound about a nefarious spirit named Blackfoot Jack that would leave trails of dark footprints in his wake. It’s a fun twist having multiple potential explanations for the site’s strange occurrences instead of one end-all be-all source. Especially as the events unfold and the investigators try to discover the truth.

At its 79 minute timelength, and the encompassing broadcast, it’s a bit of a slow burn as the characters and lore is established. Between some news interruptions and behind the scenes footage, the action is mostly focused on Gerry and Michelle and the build up to their actual encounters with forces beyond their comprehension. I will give kudos that it went places I didn’t expect, leading to a surprisingly poignant and spiritually horrifying third act.

So, while Haunted Ulster Live isn’t exactly trendsetting, it definitely follows in the footsteps of similar found footage and broadcast horror films to walk its own path. Making for an entertaining and compact piece of mockumentary. If you’re a fan of the sub-genres, Haunted Ulster Live is well worth a watch.

3 eyes out of 5
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Movie Reviews

Panic Fest 2024 Review: ‘Never Hike Alone 2’



There are fewer icons more recognizable than the slasher. Freddy Krueger. Michael Myers. Victor Crowley. Notorious killers who always seem to come back for more no matter how many times they are slain or their franchises seemingly put to a final chapter or nightmare. And so it seems that even some legal disputes cannot stop one of the most memorable movie murderers of all: Jason Voorhees!

Following the events of the first Never Hike Alone, outdoorsman and YouTuber Kyle McLeod (Drew Leighty) has been hospitalized after his encounter with the long thought dead Jason Voorhees, saved by perhaps the hockey masked killer’s greatest adversary Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews) who now currently works as an EMT around Crystal Lake. Still haunted by Jason, Tommy Jarvis struggles to find a sense of stability and this latest encounter is pushing him to end the reign of Voorhees once and for all…

Never Hike Alone made a splash online as a well shot and thoughtful fan film continuation of the classic slasher franchise that was built up with the snowbound follow up Never Hike In The Snow and now climaxing with this direct sequel. It’s not only an incredible Friday The 13th love letter, but a well thought out and entertaining epilogue of sorts to the infamous ‘Tommy Jarvis Trilogy’ from within the franchise that encapsulated Friday The 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter, Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning, and Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. Even getting some of the original cast back as their characters to continue the tale! Thom Mathews being the most prominent as Tommy Jarvis, but with other series casting like Vincent Guastaferro returning as now Sheriff Rick Cologne and still having a bone to pick with Jarvis and the mess around Jason Voorhees. Even featuring some Friday The 13th alumni like Part III‘s Larry Zerner as the mayor of Crystal Lake!

On top of that, the movie delivers on kills and action. Taking turns that some of the previous fils never got the chance to deliver on. Most prominently, Jason Voorhees going on a rampage through Crystal Lake proper when he slices his way through a hospital! Creating a nice throughline of the mythology of Friday The 13th, Tommy Jarvis and the cast’s trauma, and Jason doing what he does best in the most cinematically gory ways possible.

The Never Hike Alone films from Womp Stomp Films and Vincente DiSanti are a testament to the fanbase of Friday The 13th and the still enduring popularity of those films and of Jason Voorhees. And while officially, no new movie in the franchise is on the horizon for the foreseeable future, at the very least there is some comfort knowing fans are willing to go to these lengths to fill the void.

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Mike Flanagan Comes Aboard To Assist in Completion of ‘Shelby Oaks’



shelby oaks

If you have been following Chris Stuckmann on YouTube you are aware of the struggles he has had getting his horror movie Shelby Oaks finished. But there’s good news about the project today. Director Mike Flanagan (Ouija: Origin Of Evil, Doctor Sleep and The Haunting) is backing the film as a co-executive producer which might bring it much closer to being released. Flanagan is a part of the collective Intrepid Pictures which also includes Trevor Macy and Melinda Nishioka.

Shelby Oaks
Shelby Oaks

Stuckmann is a YouTube movie critic who’s been on the platform for over a decade. He came under some scrutiny for announcing on his channel two years ago that he would no longer be reviewing films negatively. However contrary to that statement, he did a non-review essay of the panned Madame Web recently saying, that studios strong-arm directors to make films just for the sake of keeping failing franchises alive. It seemed like a critique disguised as a discussion video.

But Stuckmann has his own movie to worry about. In one of Kickstarter’s most successful campaigns, he managed to raise over $1 million for his debut feature film Shelby Oaks which now sits in post-production. 

Hopefully, with Flanagan and Intrepid’s help, the road to Shelby Oak’s completion is reaching its end. 

“It’s been inspiring to watch Chris working toward his dreams over the past few years, and the tenacity and DIY spirit he displayed while bringing Shelby Oaks to life reminded me so much of my own journey over a decade ago,” Flanagan told Deadline. “It’s been an honor to walk a few steps with him on his path, and to offer support for Chris’ vision for his ambitious, unique movie. I can’t wait to see where he goes from here.”

Stuckmann says Intrepid Pictures has inspired him for years and, “it’s a dream come true to work with Mike and Trevor on my first feature.”

Producer Aaron B. Koontz of Paper Street Pictures has been working with Stuckmann since the beginning is also excited about the collaboration.

“For a film that had such a hard time getting going, it’s remarkable the doors that then opened to us,” said Koontz. “The success of our Kickstarter followed by the on-going leadership and guidance from Mike, Trevor, and Melinda is beyond anything I could have hoped for.”

Deadline describes the plot of Shelby Oaks as follows:

“A combination of documentary, found footage, and traditional film footage styles, Shelby Oaks centers on Mia’s (Camille Sullivan) frantic search for her sister, Riley, (Sarah Durn) who ominously disappeared in the last tape of her “Paranormal Paranoids” investigative series. As Mia’s obsession grows, she begins to suspect that the imaginary demon from Riley’s childhood may have been real.”

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